A man wants to win everything and keep his weaknesses a secret, even if it is a health problem. A particular challenge is the issue of capacity building in men after 50 years: it's hard to admit you're imperfect, but the sooner you do, the better your chances of finding a good remedy and coping with the problem at home.
How to avoid pills and when to see a doctor?
What is potential?
It is easy to decipher the term using a similar English word: "potential" means "opportunity" and a sexologically related potential is a man's ability to have sex. However, his character already depends on other factors: a man's personality, sexual preferences, and so on.
According to doctors, it is a complex mechanism that attracts sexual desire, which is called "libido" as much as potential erectile function and the ability to have sex for a long time with live emotions.
In part, strength depends on testosterone levels, but in addition it is responsible for:
- condition of blood vessels;
- circulatory process;
- nervous system function (doctors have proven that a natural increase in erection occurs in a psychologically comfortable environment);
- endocrine system function (diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, etc. - common causes of decreased potency).
Strength in men after the age of 50
Formal medicine says that if a woman's fluctuations in sex hormones at menopause lead to a decrease in libido and a general deterioration in sexual life, then a man in his 40s, 50s, and 60s will always have erectile dysfunction or a decrease in sexual desire. . .
If a man is faced with the question of how to increase his potential at 50 before taking the drug, it is necessary to find the cause of the decrease, given that the problem is not only with age.
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for erectile dysfunction in men:
- A drop in testosterone levels begins after 25 years, but that doesn't mean you're looking for ways to increase it by age 26: androgen deficiency may not make itself felt until you're 50 - the process is completely individual.
- Age-related changes in the elasticity of blood vessels and their gradual narrowing cause a 50-year-old man to not be able to fill the penis as much as the cavernous bodies. At the age of 20, therefore, even with an open sexual desire, problems with erectile function occur. . .
- By the age of 50, with a heart attack / stroke, heart pathologies (and other often exacerbated cardiovascular diseases), men may face the problem of potential decline due to circulatory disorders.
- Because it is short-lived, a sedentary lifestyle that will not be a problem for yesterday's student, especially if it has been going on since his youth, makes him feel 50 years old. Trophic nutrition of the pelvic organs, which has been a concern for decades, is associated with circulatory and oxygen transport problems, so the testicles and prostate gland work worse. Weight loss, prostatitis, pelvic organ displacement, excess weight in this area go hand in hand.
Increased strength in men after the age of 50
At the age of 50-55, doctors recommend that men monitor their hormone levels - a drop in potency due to a natural decrease in testosterone will be normal.
At this age, special drugs are rarely used, mainly experts try to "destroy" the body in a natural way:
- increase the level of physical activity;
- take part in several massage sessions to relax the nervous system;
- pay attention to the health of the genitourinary system;
- increase the amount of protein in the diet.
Increased strength in men after the age of 60
For older members of the stronger half of humanity, taking medication and looking at photos of erotic women with a problem, especially when natural libido is lost, cannot be solved. You can't expect a quick effect when you decide how to increase erectile function after 60 years. The treatment will be long and complicated.
- Eliminate chronic diseases of the endocrine system and blood vessels.
- Apply natural aphrodisiacs to your diet more often (the most reliable for the elderly are nuts, cinnamon).
- Start taking potential stimulants, but only those selected by your doctor.
- Special tools are mainly used for elderly patients. Dosage should be prescribed only by a physician.
- Take vitamin supplements to restore men's strength.
It is advisable to choose a treatment for poor erectile function with a doctor., because there is no age-related decrease - is the pathological basis. When it comes to the hormone testosterone, only a specialist can correct the level: at home, you can only help increase it with non-drug methods.
The various power stimulants advertised in the media do not cure and do not last long. It is often recommended for older people, and at the age of 50 you can restore erectile function in a different way.
Here are some general medical tips on how to increase your potential after 50 years:
- do not neglect physical activity;
- to control the diet - poor nutrition destroys the endocrine system and worsens the condition of blood vessels;
- take contrast baths for the lower body - they help blood circulation;
- forget bad habits - alcohol and nicotine kill erections even at the age of 30;
- to treat chronic diseases.
If these measures do not work (it helps to maintain male strength, but if it is lost, it may be less effective), the doctor will prescribe the following drugs:
- increase libido;
- improve blood circulation;
- increase erection;
- to control the main male hormone.
It is a tool to increase the potential in old age
Medications can be used to increase testosterone production or blood flow to the penis to cause an erection. Doctors recommend such treatments as a last resort, because the effect of improving their potential is short-lived, there are many contraindications and dependence is possible.
Medications for impotence after 50 years. If men suffer from complete erectile dysfunction but do not lose libido, doctors prescribe short-acting PDE-5 inhibitors (selective blockers of the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5). These are not long-term treatments - they only increase the potential in men after the age of 50.
Preparations for strength without side effects.Most powerful drugs that improve erectile function work by speeding up blood circulation, causing high blood pressure, headaches and many side effects.
If a man wants to avoid them, he should choose a natural medicine or look for synthetic drugs.
Chinese funds.Many natural preparations that have a good effect on erectile function are found in traditional oriental medicine. For those looking for how to increase potency in men after 50 years, this is an excellent way out, as there are minimal contraindications.
Dietary supplements.Remedies based on natural substances have a weak effect, so they are used more to increase potency, but not to combat complete erectile dysfunction. You should not pin all your hopes on them, and they are powerless when there are serious pathologies.
How to increase potential without drugs:
If you do not want to touch traditional medicine or pharmacy drugs, you can help increase male potency in more reliable ways, especially in old age. Here are some simple tips you can use at home: A contrasting shower has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. You can buy a contrasting bath for a similar purpose. Do not evaluate physical activity: both classical training and exercises for nearby muscles will help. Change your diet: it is recommended to regularly eat avocados, seafood, strawberries, walnuts, citrus fruits. Regular sex has a great effect on the elderly, as it keeps the body in good condition.
The best way to increase potential in men:
The most effective doctors call the stimulants of erectile function mentioned above, because they give the most obvious results, even if they do not last long.
Of all the PDE-5 inhibitors, the best drugs that can work in 15 minutes are selected - other members of this group do not have such an effect.
Folk remedies
The most effective plant to increase male strength, traditional medicine experts call ginseng - it can be used regularly in courses of general health development and strength conservation, it is completely safe for an elderly person. Eleutherococcus works in almost the same way. You can buy a ready-made infusion and drink 20 drops in the morning.
A few better folk remedies:
- Mix honey 1: 1 with dry red wine, leave for a week. Drink 1 tablespoon before meals. l. 15 days.
- Crush 10 walnuts (kernels), pour 100 ml of cold water and leave for 2 hours. Filter, mix the liquid with 50 g of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
For men who want to know how to restore potency after 60 years, doctors are advised not only to use special drugs, but also to add a course of herbal infusions to prevent complete cessation of sexual activity.
The following recipes are mainly used for strength:
Pour 1 teaspoon. For every day as a tea, with a glass of boiling water from the leaves of the tree. 1 tbsp. l. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the flowers and seeds of the rape, strain after 4 hours, for 2 teaspoons each. 4 rubles a day.